Friday, 20 May 2016

Lydiard Millicent Village Show 2016

When we moved house last year, we basically wanted to move to Midsomer, but with fewer murders. As it turned out, we didn't quite manage it, but I was very excited to hear that our new home has a Village Show.

This was the third year that the show has run, it's designed to have a category for everyone, 
from baking and flower-arranging to painting, photography and writing. Entries had to be in about ten days before the date of the show, which took place on 2nd May.

Predictably, when the date of the Village Show arrived, the weather had turned for the worse. Not to be deterred we donned hats and waterproofs and marched through the rain to join in. The photography, writing, flower arranging and art entries were displayed in the Church, so we started there first. I was surprised there were so many entries, with only 700 or so houses in the Parish I was concerned I might be the only entrant. Did I mention I’d submitted a couple of entries?!

I had a bit of a vested interest in the photography class so we headed there first. We had a good look around the entries, there was plenty of variety with some stunning, some amusing entries and some that we weren't quite sure how they fitted the category name.

It was only when we'd been around most of the photographs that we noticed that the winners were marked. Gold, silver and bronze prizes were awarded in each category, with recognition for other entries that were highly commended. We made a quick trip back to look at our own photos, I was surprised to see that I'd won a bronze in one category and a highly commended in another. Not bad for my first year!

We looked around the other classes displayed in the Church. The flower arranging entries were beautiful and creative. The art categories had some excellent entries, I always think a portrait must be good if you can tell who the subject is! 

We cast our eyes over the creative writing and limerick entries before heading to the Parish Hall. The local school had arranged a display of maypole dancing, but not only were the participants and spectators soaked, so was the music system, which refused to play a note. Not to be deterred, the spectators clapped a rhythm which the children danced around the maypole to. 

We headed inside the Parish Hall next to shake off our waterproofs and to have a well deserved cup of tea and slice of cake. You have to do your bit for fundraising!! The rain seemed to be easing off so we headed back out to look at the television and film themed scarecrows which were on display as part of another competition class. Some of them had suffered a bit in the weather, but Mr Bean made me laugh as soon as I saw him and got my vote.

We returned to the Hall planning to look at the other entries on display inside, but the prize giving had started early, presumably due to the poor weather. I had a quick look around, but it was difficult to get around the tables with the Hall filling up. I only realised how many classes there were when the prize giving started. It took ages! I was determined to stay and get my moment of fame though! 

It may not seem much, but who would have thought a rosette and a certificate would make me so happy?!

I'd better get out with my camera so I have something to submit next year. Next stop silver rosette?


  1. wow! this is really awesome! I love mr. bean with is head stuck in the turky holding his teddy bear! super awesome =)
    Loved your blog, and I'm following you! Please hop on my blog and follow me too, if you like it.

    have a great day

  2. Thanks :) I'm following you too.
